This beautiful Christmas ornament features the iconic characters from the beloved film, Wizard of Oz. Crafted by Kurt Adler in the 1990s, this handmade glass ornament is a stunning addition to any holiday decor. The multicolor design is sure to catch the eye and bring a touch of magic to your Christmas tree.
With its original tag and United States origin, this collectible ornament is a must-have for any fan of the classic film. Whether you're a collector or simply looking for a unique decoration, this Wizard of Oz ornament is sure to delight.Add it to your holiday decor collection today! 18 1/2" x 8" x 4.
I do not believe this box has ever been opened. The 2nd image is what I believe to be inside the box. The original string and seal (I personally believe by judgement) have naver been tampered with. We have an extensive collection of vintage, mid-century modern, and antique Christmas items.